Mutant X
[Ep: The Grift] (QJ14 soldiers) Mutant X is a science fiction television series that debuted on October 6, 2001. The show was created by Avi Arad, and it centers on Mutant X, a team of "New Mutants" who possess extraordinary powers as a result of genetic engineering. The members of Mutant X were used as test subjects in a series of covert government experiments. The mission of Mutant X is to seek out and protect their fellow New Mutants. The series was filmed in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Category : | Robots on TV |
Year : | 2001 |
Submitted : | 6th, August 2008 |
This entry uses material from the Wikipedia article about Mutant X which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0