Robots in Games
Borderlands - Claptrap
Borderlands is a series of action role-playing first-person shooter video games in a space western science fantasy ...

Borderlands is a series of action role-playing first-person shooter video games in a space western science fantasy ...
Fallout 3 - Liberty Prime
Liberty Prime is a giant, military robot, that appears in the Fallout games. Liberty Prime fires dual, head-mounted energy beams, which are similar to...

Liberty Prime is a giant, military robot, that appears in the Fallout games. Liberty Prime fires dual, head-mounted energy beams, which are similar to...
Half-Life 2 - Dog
Dog is a hulking robot belonging to Alyx Vance, built by her father Eli to provide both companionship and to protect her. Alyx subsequently upgraded the ro...

Dog is a hulking robot belonging to Alyx Vance, built by her father Eli to provide both companionship and to protect her. Alyx subsequently upgraded the ro...
Killer Instinct - Fulgore
Fulgore is a character in the Killer Instinct series of fighting games by Rare. Fulgore was introduced in the original Killer...

Fulgore is a character in the Killer Instinct series of fighting games by Rare. Fulgore was introduced in the original Killer...
Mass Effect - Legion
Legion is the name given to the synthetic intelligence Geth Platform 2A93, a geth terminal eleven times more powerful than standard mobile platforms, desig...

Legion is the name given to the synthetic intelligence Geth Platform 2A93, a geth terminal eleven times more powerful than standard mobile platforms, desig...
Metal Arms: Glitch In The System - Glitch
Metal Arms: Glitch in the System is a third-person shooter action-adventure video game, developed by American team Swingin' Ape Stu...

Metal Arms: Glitch in the System is a third-person shooter action-adventure video game, developed by American team Swingin' Ape Stu...
Metal Gear Series - Metal Gear RAY
Metal Gear RAY is an anti-Metal Gear introduced in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. This Metal Gear model comes in two variants: a manned pro...

Metal Gear RAY is an anti-Metal Gear introduced in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. This Metal Gear model comes in two variants: a manned pro...
Metal Gear Solid - Metal Gear REX
Metal Gear is the name for a series of mecha in the Metal Gear game series. Metal Gear REX is a Metal Gear model that appears in the game Metal Gear Solid ...

Metal Gear is the name for a series of mecha in the Metal Gear game series. Metal Gear REX is a Metal Gear model that appears in the game Metal Gear Solid ...
Portal - Still Alive
Still Alive is a song featured in the closing credits of the 2007 video game Portal. It was composed and arranged by Jonathan Coulton and was performed by ...

Still Alive is a song featured in the closing credits of the 2007 video game Portal. It was composed and arranged by Jonathan Coulton and was performed by ...
Portal 2 - Want You Gone
Jonathan Coulton's song Still Alive, which is sung by GLaDOS (voiced by Ellen McLain) over Portal's end credits, was considered a large part of Por...

Jonathan Coulton's song Still Alive, which is sung by GLaDOS (voiced by Ellen McLain) over Portal's end credits, was considered a large part of Por...
Portal 2 - Wheatley
Wheatley is a fictional artificial intelligence from the Portal franchise first introduced in the 2011 video game Portal 2. Initially serving as a comedic ...

Wheatley is a fictional artificial intelligence from the Portal franchise first introduced in the 2011 video game Portal 2. Initially serving as a comedic ...
Portal Series - GLaDOS
GLaDOS (Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System) is an artificially intelligent computer system from the video game series Portal. GLaDOS was originally...

GLaDOS (Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System) is an artificially intelligent computer system from the video game series Portal. GLaDOS was originally...
Slave Zero - Slave Zero
Taking place 500 years in the future, the game tells the story of Lu Chen, a sinister world overlord more commonly known as the SovKhan, who rules the Eart...

Taking place 500 years in the future, the game tells the story of Lu Chen, a sinister world overlord more commonly known as the SovKhan, who rules the Eart...
Sonic DC - Metal Sonic
Metal Sonic is an evil robotic version of Sonic created by Dr. Robotnik. He first appears in Sonic the Hedgehog CD. Metal Sonic notably act...

Metal Sonic is an evil robotic version of Sonic created by Dr. Robotnik. He first appears in Sonic the Hedgehog CD. Metal Sonic notably act...