Robot & Frank
Robot & Frank is a 2012 American film directed by Jake Schreier and written by Christopher Ford. Set in the near future, it focuses on Frank Weld, an aging jewel thief played by Frank Langella, whose son buys him a domestic robot. Resistant at first, Frank warms up to the robot when he realizes he can use it to restart his career as a cat burglar. It was the first feature film for both Ford and Schreier and received critical acclaim for its writing, production, and acting. It won the Alfred P. Sloan Prize at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival, tying with the Kashmiri film Valley of Saints. ~Wikipedia.
Category : | Robots in Movies |
Year : | 2012 |
Submitted : | 12th, October 2013 |
Sundance Film Festival - The Sundance Film Festival, a program of the Sundance Institute, is an American film festival that takes place annually in Park City, Utah.