Robot Combat League
Each weekly show features tournament competitions between 8-foot, 1000-pound humanoid robots controlled by human competitors, one robo-jockey and one robo-tech per team. The series features twelve teams of individuals from diverse backgrounds. Each team is paired with a robot that they control using an exo-suit that directs its movements. Each fight goes three rounds, and the winning team advances. There are 12 total robots. The robots range from an axe headed laser eyed warrior to a robot made of plexiglass and a roll cage. The robots and the suits used to control them were created by robotics expert Mark Setrakian.
Category : | Robots on TV |
Year : | 2013 |
Submitted : | 6th, October 2014 |
Robot - A robot (also called a droid) is a machine - especially one programmable by a computer - capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically.
1.This entry uses material from the Wikipedia article about Robot Combat League which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0