Small Worlds
[AIML / Pandorabots]
The next time you make a friend in the online community Smallworlds, it could turn out to be a Pandorabot. Smallworlds is a fast-growing online virtual ...
The next time you make a friend in the online community Smallworlds, it could turn out to be a Pandorabot. Smallworlds is a fast-growing online virtual ...
Getting Emotional Online
If you traded an e-mail or two with Tom Rearick, Director of Self-Service Products and creator of eGain Assistant, you wouldn’t know that he’s ...
If you traded an e-mail or two with Tom Rearick, Director of Self-Service Products and creator of eGain Assistant, you wouldn’t know that he’s ...
Immaterial Girl
Ramona has an interesting history. She is credited with being the world’s first live virtual performing and recording artist. She’s the host of Ray Kur...
Ramona has an interesting history. She is credited with being the world’s first live virtual performing and recording artist. She’s the host of Ray Kur...
Music Boxes and Chatterbots
The player piano made significant advances over its predecessor, the music box. The music box could only play one song, and for a voice, it only had lit...
The player piano made significant advances over its predecessor, the music box. The music box could only play one song, and for a voice, it only had lit...
Robot Takeover: 100 Iconic Robots of Myth, Popular Culture & Real Life
In Robot Takeover, Ana Matronic presents 100 of the most legendary robots and what makes them iconic - their creators, purpose, design and why their existe...
In Robot Takeover, Ana Matronic presents 100 of the most legendary robots and what makes them iconic - their creators, purpose, design and why their existe...
Jazz TutorBot
[Chatbots - English]
Hi there! I'm jazz legend Wilson “Sonny” Davis and I'm here to answer any questions you might have about jazz music. Also, if you'd like me to give yo...
Hi there! I'm jazz legend Wilson “Sonny” Davis and I'm here to answer any questions you might have about jazz music. Also, if you'd like me to give yo...
[Chatbots - Non English]
English summary: Claudia is a Spanish spoken virtual Customer Service Agent who can help you to get familiar with BotGenes, the company she works for, and...
English summary: Claudia is a Spanish spoken virtual Customer Service Agent who can help you to get familiar with BotGenes, the company she works for, and...
[Chatbots - Non English]
English summary: Diego is a Spanish spoken chat friend. Aiming to assist both natives and those having Spanish as a second language to improve their writ...
English summary: Diego is a Spanish spoken chat friend. Aiming to assist both natives and those having Spanish as a second language to improve their writ...
Film Theory and Chatbots
The tools described in film theory are used to invoke feelings in the viewer as a form of entertainment. Some of these tools apply more directly to chatbot...
The tools described in film theory are used to invoke feelings in the viewer as a form of entertainment. Some of these tools apply more directly to chatbot...
Portal 2 - Want You Gone
[Robots in Games]
Jonathan Coulton's song Still Alive, which is sung by GLaDOS (voiced by Ellen McLain) over Portal's end credits, was considered a large part of Por...

Jonathan Coulton's song Still Alive, which is sung by GLaDOS (voiced by Ellen McLain) over Portal's end credits, was considered a large part of Por...
Conversation, Deception and Intelligence
A blog dedicated to science, technology, and my interests in music, art, film and especially to Alan Turing for his Imitation Game: a measure for machine i...
A blog dedicated to science, technology, and my interests in music, art, film and especially to Alan Turing for his Imitation Game: a measure for machine i...