AIML Editor
[AIML / Pandorabots]
Ai-Dealer has developed both a Basic and a Professional version of its Artificial Intelligence Markup Language (AIML) Editor.
Ai-Dealer has developed both a Basic and a Professional version of its Artificial Intelligence Markup Language (AIML) Editor.
[AIML / Pandorabots]
AIMLpad is Alice Program N. It is the Alice interpreter embedded in a notepad editor. Admin note : the main website is gone at this time, but I found th...
AIMLpad is Alice Program N. It is the Alice interpreter embedded in a notepad editor. Admin note : the main website is gone at this time, but I found th...
AIMLpad at SourceForge
[AIML / Pandorabots]
AIMLpad is an AIML chatbot program with extra features for the bot developer. Includes a scripting language (besides AIML) and includes features to use the...
AIMLpad is an AIML chatbot program with extra features for the bot developer. Includes a scripting language (besides AIML) and includes features to use the...
GaitoBot AIML editor
[AIML / Pandorabots]
GaitoBot offers you everything you need to add a chatbot to your website: Edit your chatbot´s knowledge comfortable with the free GaitoBot AIML edito...
GaitoBot offers you everything you need to add a chatbot to your website: Edit your chatbot´s knowledge comfortable with the free GaitoBot AIML edito...
Simple AIML Editor
[AIML / Pandorabots]
Adeena Mignogna has written a new AIML editor, simply called, Simple AIML Editor. Adeena said she got a little frustrated with the choices out there to man...
Adeena Mignogna has written a new AIML editor, simply called, Simple AIML Editor. Adeena said she got a little frustrated with the choices out there to man...
KurzweilAI.Net Showcases Leading Visionaries, Features Ramona, the First Lifelike, Photorealistic, Conversational Web Site Avatar
Intended for the educated lay public, is a place to explore the ideas of leading visionaries on the future. It "focuses on the exponential g...
Intended for the educated lay public, is a place to explore the ideas of leading visionaries on the future. It "focuses on the exponential g...
The Trouble with the Turing Test
In the October 1950 issue of the British quarterly Mind, Alan Turing published a 28-page paper titled “Computing Machinery and Intelligence.” I...
In the October 1950 issue of the British quarterly Mind, Alan Turing published a 28-page paper titled “Computing Machinery and Intelligence.” I...
Will computers ever be intelligent?
The film 2001: A Space Odyssey is 30 years old. Our science editor, Dr David Whitehouse, wonders if we will ever be able to build the star of the film, HAL...
The film 2001: A Space Odyssey is 30 years old. Our science editor, Dr David Whitehouse, wonders if we will ever be able to build the star of the film, HAL...