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Small Worlds [AIML / Pandorabots]
The next time you make a friend in the online community Smallworlds, it could turn out to be a Pandorabot. Smallworlds is a fast-growing online virtual ...
CCBotmastersAI [Chatbots - English]
Character Creations & Botmasters A.I. For those people who believe in the betterment of A.I. chatbots and their related graphics. For the purpose of discu...
Saucy Jacky [Chatbots - English]
Jack the Ripper in gory detail. With sound effects and graphics.
Virtual Woman [Chatbots - English]
Virtual Woman users can build, talk, and compete against Virtual Women with full artificial intelligence. You choose their ethnic type, personality, locati...
Virtual Assistant Denise [Developers] Icon
Denise is a photo-realistic Virtual Assistant, created by Guile 3D Studio from computer graphic software and a real-time proprietary graphics engine. Denis...
Crazy Talk 5 [Software]
Build and animate expressive characters for a wide range of uses. Movie-making, web-video, avatars, live performance, cartoons and photography. Also crea...
Visage Technologies [Software]
Facial animation SDK - The company has strong roots in the research community and deep expertise in computer vision and computer graphics.