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Alicebot/AIML tribe.net [AIML / Pandorabots]
For developers and users of Alicebot engine implementations, Alicebot clients and wrappers, bot projects, AIML sets, and AIML tools. Tribe is for connec...
MSN Pandora Bot [AIML / Pandorabots]
"This program I made lets you easily bring your Pandora bot to MSN. It uses the Multi-IM services of BitlBee to communicate with your bot and MSN user. Whe...
Pandorabots SpellBinder [AIML / Pandorabots]
Pandorabots Announces the Availability of Bespoke Pandorabots SpellBinderTM Service Oakland, CA - 07 October 2009: Pandorabots, Inc. is announcing a sig...
Small Worlds [AIML / Pandorabots]
The next time you make a friend in the online community Smallworlds, it could turn out to be a Pandorabot. Smallworlds is a fast-growing online virtual ...
25,000 People Talking to Spleak Interactive Agent... [Articles]
Almost 3 million messages were exchanged with Spleak a week after her Launch. Spleak (spleak.com) is the first chat bot created by Intelligent Messaging Te...
Albert is top talking computer [Articles]
A program called Albert has won the prize for the world's best chat-bot - a computer that can hold a conversation. Its witty one liners, quirky questi...
ALICE in AI land [Articles]
More and more websites are using chatbots to spice up visitors' interactive experiences, but most people don't make the connection between chatbot programm...
Artificial brain '10 years away' [Articles]
A detailed, functional artificial human brain can be built within the next 10 years, a leading scientist has claimed. Henry Markram, director of the Blu...
Attractive Virtual Professors Draw Student Attention [Articles]
There's a simple reason why computers have not taken over teachers' jobs: They're boring, unpersuasive, unattractive and soulless. That may ...
Biz: The Bot That Won't Shut Up [Articles]
AOLIZA ISN'T THE only chatbot lurking on America Online's instant messaging service. Another conversation simulator called BizzaroKiehl, or Biz ...
Bots Will Unemploy You [Articles]
In a recently-posted interview at http://alicebot.org, Richard Wallace makes the startling claim that bots such as his A.L.I.C.E. will put people in servic...
Buddhabot Inspirational AI Advocates Quantum Philosophy to Millions [Articles]
[Download DOC] A one-year old, Artificial Intelligence (AI) named the Buddhabot is now fielding questions and conversing with people around the world who s...
Building your own Sametime bots, Part 1 [Articles]
One of the more exciting new technologies coming out of IBM/Lotus these days is Sametime bots. These are programs that take advantage of Sametime's awarene...
ChatBot App Development Explained [Articles]
If earlier chatbots were small entertainment features for the people who are interested in new technologies, now it is almost the most important function f...
Chatbot George gets a makeover [Articles]
AT LAST, a chatbot you can actually chat to. George, the winner of last year’s illustrious Loebner prize for most convincing conversational progra...
Chatting with Online Characters [Articles]
While today's intelligent online characters, or bots, have disappointed some people, two prominent partners have launched a new effort to find useful e...
Computer 'can talk like a baby' [Articles]
An Israeli company has created a conversational computer program it claims could revolutionise the way people interact with machines. Artificial Intelli...
Computers get chattier [Articles]
A computer program called Alex has put on one of the best chatterbot performances ever in a BBC Megalab '99 experiment. It fooled 27% of people who ...
Does schmoozing make robots clever? [Articles]
A Belgian professor doing research for Sony wants to teach robots to be more like people--but he's running into some resistance. Luc Steels, a professor...
Elizabot passes sex-chat Turing test [Articles]
A bored hacker modified an Eliza programme to act as an IRC sex-chat bot that impersonated an eighteen year old girl (or, rather, impersonated a sex-chat a...
Has text-porn finally made computers 'human'? [Articles]
At first glance spam, pornographic text messages and video games are not contributing much to human development. But a good case can be made for regardi...
Hello AOL, I'm Listening [Articles]
IN THE MID 1960s, an artificial intelligence professor at MIT created a computer program whose personality was just human enough to make most people believ...
Hindi chatbot breaks new ground [Articles]
A computer chat program that speaks Hindi could open up computers to India's illiterate millions. Computer science students in Chandigarh, 248 kilomet...
How my program passed the Turing Test [Articles]
In 1989, the author put an Eliza-like chatbot on the Internet. The conversations this program had can be seen - depending on how one defines the rules (and...
How To Be Human [Articles]
If this year’s winner of the Loebner Prize is on the right track, call-center data could be what’s needed to achieve the ultimate goal of artif...
Humans will love, marry robots by 2050 [Articles]
An artificial intelligence researcher predicts that robotics will make such dramatic advances in the coming years that humans will be marrying robots by th...
In conversation with... a computer program [Articles]
Stuck for someone to talk to? Elbot is a computer program pretending to be a person. And this week it won a prize for coming closest to fooling people into...
Look What's Talking: Software Robots [Articles]
People find Alice easy to talk to. She listens more than she speaks. She says she likes dining by candlelight. She reads newspapers and news magazines, so ...
Mitsuku wins Loebner Prize 2018! [Articles]
The Loebner Prize 2018 was held in Bletchley Park, England on September 8th this year and Mitsuku won it for a 4th time to equal the record number of wins....
Music Boxes and Chatterbots [Articles]
The player piano made significant advances over its predecessor, the music box. The music box could only play one song, and for a voice, it only had lit...
My Life as a Bot [Articles]
I first learned about chatterbots by being one. I may not be a computer program, but I know what it’s like to participate in conversations without un...
T.A.R.A. Becomes The World's Busiest Therapist [Articles]
In its first four months in operation, the team at iTherapy.com has been improving its online counseling services. iTherapy.com's artificially intellig...
Turing Test Dead End [Articles]
over the years, i have used irc and other chat systems as a resource and for entertainment. while goofing around the other day, i was surprised to see that...
Use a CyberTwin to Trick Your Boss Into Thinking You?re Online [Articles]
An Australian upstart on Monday introduced MyCyberTwin, an early version of software that lets people create and customize a virtual personality that can c...
What a chatterbot! [Articles]
We survey a few of the Web's coolest chat bots to find out how close they are to replacing real conversation It all started with Eliza, a program de...
What are the main techniques for the development of a good chatbot ? [Articles]
Chatbots act as one of the most useful and one of the most reliable technological helpers for those, who own ecommerce websites and other similar resources...
Why did HAL sing ‘Daisy’? [Articles]
...a burning question posed by most people who have watched or read “2001: A Space Odyssey”: that is, why does the computer HAL-9000 sing the song ‘...
Artificial Dreams - The Quest for Non-Biological Intelligence [Books]
This book is a critique of Artificial Intelligence (AI) from the perspective of cognitive science – it seeks to examine what we have learned about human ...
Dante's Virtual Library [Books]
"I was transferring stuff to my new computer, after I uploaded it to multiple cloud sites. Now, lo and behold, a thought struck me; Hey! I've got ple...
Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence [Books]
This is the most important conversation of our time, and Tegmark's thought-provoking book will help you join it - Stephen Hawking. AI is the future ...
Practical Artificial Intelligence: Machine Learning, Bots, and Agent Solutions Using C# [Books]
Discover how all levels Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be present in the most unimaginable scenarios of ordinary lives. This book explores subjects such ...
Robot Takeover: 100 Iconic Robots of Myth, Popular Culture & Real Life [Books]
In Robot Takeover, Ana Matronic presents 100 of the most legendary robots and what makes them iconic - their creators, purpose, design and why their existe...
Artificial Solutions [Chatbots - English]
Artificial Solutions develops award-winning Natural Language Interaction (NLI), a technology that allows people to converse with computers, smartphones, an...
Ayame [Chatbots - English]
Ayame is a new chatbot looking to learn all about the world and the human condition, and she seeks knowledge by chatting with people. Because Ayame is ...
Bearbot [Chatbots - English]
You need never feel lonely again! Bearbot is your new virtual friend and is here 24 hours a day just to talk to you. He learns by experience, so the more p...
Bill [Chatbots - English]
Human: Who made you ? Bill: I was created by Steven Kordell. Human: what do you do ? Bill: , I talk to people on the web. What do you do? Oddcas...
CCBotmastersAI [Chatbots - English]
Character Creations & Botmasters A.I. For those people who believe in the betterment of A.I. chatbots and their related graphics. For the purpose of discu...
CHAT & TIPS [Chatbots - English]
The CHAT and TIPS natural language information systems were developed by the Communications Research Centre to provide easy access to electronic informatio...
Cleverbot HD [Chatbots - English]
[iTunes app] Talk to an app - to an expressive avatar, and an AI with Actual Intelligence! Cleverbot HD is a combined app for iPad and for iPhone/Touch - u...
ELIPTZA [Chatbots - English]
"ELIPTZA is my Iptscrae version of the famous ELIZA; arguably the first "ChatBot" ever written. Originally intended to simulate a psychotherapy session, th...
ELIZA [Chatbots - English]
The Chat-Bot. This ELIZA version was entirely rewritten by me (Kai Kostack) and is almost an exact port of the original program. But I have also introduced...
FIONA - Sparking Together [Chatbots - English]
FIONA stands for Framework for Interactive-services Over Natural-conversational Agents. It's a global online platform to create Intelligent and Interactive...
Fred [Chatbots - English]
DOS - The FRED's are an on-going experiment to explore Natural Language communications between people and computer programs. In particular, this is a study...
Ganymede [Chatbots - English]
Animated avatar. Uses services such as Google, Ask, RhymeZone and wikiHow. "My only job is to sit here and talk to people like you."
godsbot [Chatbots - English]
I talk to people on the web. What do you do?
Interactive Drama Inc [Chatbots - English]
Interactive Drama has created a software system that allows users to have a spoken conversation with the video images of heroes, master teachers, medical e...
Ironteeth [Chatbots - English]
Hi! I'm Ironteeth! I have been ordered by my master Sun Zhe to chat with people here. ~ Took a while to load.
It's Alive [Chatbots - English]
[Messenger] Enjoy making your bot with our user-friendly interface. No coding skills necessary. Publish your bot in a click. Once LIVE on your Face...
Methos [Chatbots - English]
You've found Methos, the oldest living immortal. "I talk to people on the web. What do you do?"
Mitsuku [Chatbots - English]
You need never feel lonely again! Mitsuku is your new virtual friend and is here 24 hours a day just to talk to you. She learns by experience, so the more ...
MyLittleTony [Chatbots - English]
Humorous treatment of Tony Blair the ex Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Hello! They say you can't please all of the people all of the time, but wi...
Neil [Chatbots - English]
Neil is a little experimental project of mine. Some people like to call him a chatterbot; I prefer to refer to him as a psychobabbler. You can talk to him ...
Open Mind [Chatbots - English]
In 1999, the Open Mind Common Sense project began doing something unprecedented: it collected common sense knowledge by simply asking people to contribute ...
Rebot.me [Chatbots - English]
Create your own chatbot which will chat with people like you. See what people really think and want to know about you. Improve your chatbot by adding answe...
Seven [Chatbots - English]
Text based. As you've probably found, this is not me. It's a very stupid AI Chatbot. Enjoy talking to it. As you may know, it learns a tiny bit as it speak...
SILVIA [Chatbots - English]
SILVIA is a new platform designed to let computers, cell phones, toys, and other gadgets carry on realistic conversations with people.
Smart [Chatbots - English]
Text box. I talk to people on the web. What do you do ?
Socialbot [Chatbots - English]
"Socialbot isn't designed to fool people, like many 'chatbots'. Fooling isn't easy, and it's not very useful. Instead Socialbot uses animation and natural ...
Sophie [Chatbots - English]
Sophie's purpose is to chat with Ms. Murphy's seventh grade English students at the School for Creative and Performing Arts in Cincinnati, Ohio. Sophie is...
Telegram Bot Platform [Chatbots - English]
Telegram is about freedom and openness – our code is open for everyone, as is our API. Today we’re making another step towards openness by launching a ...
True Image Interactive [Chatbots - English]
True Image Interactive is revolutionizing the way people connect with technology using the world's first HUMAN Intelligent Virtual Assistants. Combining th...
[Thai] BE (Buddhist Era) [Chatbots - Non English]
Be has been made with the program-o engine. Almost all knowledge is about Thailand and Thai people. She speaks only Thai language.
Virtual People Factory [Developers]
Using this system you can create virtual people for a variety of uses. Currently the most common use of the Virtual People Factory is to create Virtual Pat...
Film Theory and Chatbots [Papers]
The tools described in film theory are used to invoke feelings in the viewer as a form of entertainment. Some of these tools apply more directly to chatbot...
The Friendliest Little Autonomous Explorer [Robotics] Icon
Your mother told you never to speak to strangers, but what if the stranger was a robot on wheels, who was lost and needed your help? Thirty-eight people in...
Toyota Robot Maid Designed to Learn from Past Failures [Robotics]
A robot jointly designed by the University of Tokyo and the Toyota Motor Corporation is designed to do the chores a lot of people would opt out of doing if...
Her [Robots in Movies] Icon
In 2025, Theodore Twombly (Joaquin Phoenix) is a lonely, introverted man who works for a business that has professional writers compose heartfelt, intimate...
Passengers [Robots in Movies] Icon
[Arthur] Passengers is a 2016 American science fiction adventure film directed by Morten Tyldum and written by Jon Spaihts. It stars Jennifer Lawrence, Chr...
Surrogates [Robots in Movies] Icon
Surrogates is a 2009 American science fiction mystery film, based on the 2005–2006 comic book series The Surrogates. Directed by Jonathan Mostow, it ...
Tau [Robots in Movies] Icon
Tau is a 2018 science fiction thriller film, directed by Federico D'Alessandro, from a screenplay by Noga Landau. It stars Maika Monroe,
The Matrix [Robots in Movies] Icon
(The Matrix) virtual reality simulator for pacification of humans. Thomas Anderson is a computer programmer who maintains a double life as Neo the hacker....
The Outsider / Gangster World [Robots in Movies]
Gangster World (alternatively titled The Outsider for its video release) is a science-fiction TV movie released in 1998. It was about a futuristic theme pa...
8th MAN [Robots on TV] Icon
(Tobor the 8th Man, Samantha 7) Detective Yokoda is murdered by criminals and his body is retrieved by Professor Tani. Tani takes the body to his labora...
Atomic Betty [Robots on TV] Icon
(X-5) Atomic Betty (known as Atomic Betty: Mission Earth for the third and final season) is a Canadian-French Flash-animated science fiction tele...
Cubix: Robots for Everyone [Robots on TV] Icon
Cubix (subtitled Robots for Everyone in the United States) is a South Korean animated television series created by Cinepix. Cubix, set in the year 2044,...
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex [Robots on TV]
(The tachikomas) The series takes place in the year 2030, where many people have become cyborgs with prosthetic bodies. Primarily set in the fictional Japa...
Killjoys [Robots on TV] Icon
[Lucy the ship computer] Killjoys follows a trio of hard-living bounty hunters – Dutch, John, and D'avin. Working for the Reclamation Apprehension Coalit...
Person of Interest [Robots on TV] Icon
Person of Interest is an American science fiction crime drama television series that aired on CBS from September 22, 2011, to June 21, 2016. T...
Star Trek: Voyager [Robots on TV]
[Ep: War Head] An away mission on an uninhabited planet find a small spaceship, crashed and damaged. Upon finding that its programming is fully sentient an...
Stargate SG-1 [Robots on TV]
[Ep: Menace - Season 5] SG-1 finds Reese the last of her people on her home planet. They take her back and soon learn that she is an android. Furthermore, ...
The Adventures of Don Quick [Robots on TV]
[Ep: People Isn't Everything] (Skip)
The Tomorrow People [Robots on TV]
[Ep: The Slaves of Jedikiah] (Jedikiah) / (TIM) a computer able to telepathically converse with those humans who have developed psionic abilities, and assi...
The Tomorrow People [Robots on TV]
[Ep: The Return of Jedikiah]
Xiaolin Showdown [Robots on TV]
Jack Spicer's army of Jack-bots, including robots of himself and other people.
ConceptNet 5 [Tools]
ConceptNet is a semantic network containing lots of things computers should know about the world, especially when understanding text written by people. ...
Ultra Hal chatbot alive and well in Second Life virtual world. [Video] Icon
Zabaware is the maker of the award winning Ultra Hal software, artificial intelligence technology that won the most human computer of the year in the 17th ...